Martin Scorsese's fight against Marvel movies

Every Monday the q screen panel convenes to look at the big stories happening in the film and television worlds. This week, film critic Jason Gorber and Refinery29's Kathleen Newman-Bremang join host Tom Power to talk about Martin Scorsese's fight against Marvel movies, in light of his recent New York Times op-ed.
"They seem to me to be closer to theme parks than they are to movies as I've known and loved them throughout my life," said Scorsese. "I don't think they're cinema."
Are Marvel movies cinema? Are superhero movies good for the film world? And how does the release of Scorsese's latest movie The Irishman fit into all of this? Our screen panel breaks it down.
Click the 'Listen' link near the top of this page to hear the screen panel's full conversation.
— Produced by Chris Trowbridge
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