Antigone director Sophie Deraspe on taking inspiration from Greek tragedy and Fredy Villanueva story

The Greek tragedy Antigone was written in the 5th century BC, but in Canadian filmmaker Sophie Deraspe's hands, the story of a young woman's fight to do what's right after her brother's death is fresh and affecting.
Deraspe joined q's Tom Power to talk about how the fatal police shooting of an unarmed teenager named Fredy Villanueva crystallized her vision and inspired her to set the film in modern day Montreal.
Antigone won best Canadian feature film at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival and it's Canada's official selection for best international feature film at the Oscars. It's playing now in select theatres.
Download our podcast or click the 'Listen' link near the top of this page to hear the full conversation with Sophie Deraspe.
— Produced by Diane Eros
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