The Now or Never Restoration Project: what are you trying to restore?
By restoring something from your past, you can also restore yourself

When the future feels uncertain, you might find yourself diving into the past to find peace. Today on Now or Never, join people who are determined to restore a part of their past — whether that's fixing up an old car, or rekindling a broken relationship.
When Pat Kaniuga first laid eyes on the only hot-pink 1970 Dodge Challenger convertible in Canada, he declared it the ugliest convertible he'd ever seen. Thirty years later, motivated by its history, he's determined to restore it for one more ride.
Sitting in temple one day, attempting to recite the words that were once familiar, Andi Sharma realized she was no longer fluent in Hindi. Today she tries to learn the words to honour her father, and continue a family legacy.
When Danielle McCreadie and Jess Woods' friendship ended, harsh words were exchanged and fists flew. Three years of no contact later, and months into a journey of sobriety, Jess reaches out to make amends.
When Kate Thériault's father suffered a heart attack, they channeled their fear into their sewing machine. When he died, Kate decided to breathe new life into some of his old clothes with visible mending and the traditional Japanese technique Sashiko.
It can be hard to restore something that's permanently a part of you, but Sara Derksen does it all the time. With her "trauma-informed" tattooing practice, she covers up painful memories of the past.