Do not cross: The power of setting personal boundaries

Personal boundaries can be hard to figure out. So many factors can come into play:
What do I actually need? How do I share that with people? What happens if they push back?
But boundaries are necessary to figure out, because they are key to having healthy relationships.
This week on Now or Never, you'll meet people who are putting up boundaries — and the people bumping up against them.
Jackie Dives has known she wants to live a child-free life since she was young, but has recently learned that not all life choices are celebrated equally. That's why she created a gift registry for herself: to celebrate women, like herself, who choose not to have children.
When her daughter Mia was a baby, M.J. Kang loved nothing more than pressing her tiny feet against her cheeks. But now that Mia is a teenager, and the foot-on-mom's-face-tradition is still going strong, it's time for a conversation.
When eight adults share seven bedrooms, three bathrooms, one kitchen, and a dog, boundaries are a big deal. Welcome to Clarens Commons in Toronto, a cohousing space where sharing is priority and boundaries are an ongoing conversation.
Many of us have decided to put boundaries on our Facebook use, but few of us have taken it to the extreme that James Avramenko has. On his podcast, Friendless, James calls up a Facebook friend every week and "unfriends" them as they speak.
Lawyer, mother, and singer-songwriter Desiree Dorion has seemingly achieved a pretty incredible work-life balance. So how has she done it? By putting up strict boundaries... something she learned to do the hard way.