Front Burner

Could the Menendez brothers soon be free?

In 1996, brothers Lyle and Eric Menendez were convicted of killing their parents, turning them into two of the most publicly recognizable felons in the US today. But after 35 years, new evidence, and renewed media attention — might they soon be free men?
A file photo from February 1995 shows brothers Erik (at left) and Lyle (at right) Menendez talking inside a Los Angeles courtroom.
This 02 February 1995 file photo shows Erik (L) and Lyle (R) Menendez talking in a Los Angeles courtroom. The brothers were convicted by a jury 20 March of murdering their parents. (Kim Kulish/AFP/Getty Images)

In 1996, after two hung jury trials, brothers Lyle and Eric Menendez were convicted of killing their parents in one of the most high profile trials in American history. The brothers argued they had killed their parents following years of sexual, psychological and physical abuse at the hands of their father, but it was ultimately decided that they had killed their parents in a premeditated fashion, in pursuit of their parents' million dollar estate. They were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The case was a phenomenon, and one of the first to be broadcast on television via wall-to-wall coverage inside the courtroom. 35 years later, following a Netflix series and a pair of documentaries dedicated to the Menendez brothers' story, and the entry of new evidence, the brothers have put in a new bid for freedom.

Robert Rand has been covering the Menendez brothers since the day after the murders, and has published reporting, books and documentaries dedicated to the story. He joins the show to discuss whether the brothers may soon be free men, how their story went on to help create the "True Crime" genre, and why had the murders taken place today things may have happened differently. 

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