Day 6·Satire

Recycle Ralph helps kids learn a valuable lesson about plastics

To help kids — and adults — understand the importance of reducing our plastic consumption, Day 6 contributor Aaron Hagey-MacKay has created this satirical, 90's era public service announcement. Recycle on, dudes!

Confused about recycling? Here's a 90s-era PSA to help with that

Plastic straws lined up side by side
Most political parties have committed to reducing plastic waste during this year's campaign, but what does that mean for Canadians? Recycle Ralph breaks it down. (Patrick Pleul/AFP/Getty Images)

Only about nine per cent of plastic is recycled, so where does the other 91 per cent go?

Most of Canada's political parties have proposed a plan to ban single use plastics, but that won't happen for years at best. So if you want to keep those so-called recyclables out of the trash, Recycle Ralph is here to explain how. 

Day 6 contributor and comedian Aaron Hagey-MacKay delivers the low down on recycling in this super rad '90s PSA.

Click Listen above, or download our podcast, to hear from Recycle Ralph and his gang of recyclers.