Episode 185: Moncton Safe But Shattered, Tiananmen Leader in Exile, Digital Etiquette and more
"In situations like this the feelings are typically overwhelming - but what's amazing with cops of course, is how able they are to put those feelings on hold in order to do their job. That's one of the tricks about policing that makes it difficult to process the emotions afterwards."
- Jeff Morley, psychologist, worked with the RCMP for 23 years
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Remembering Tiananmen
"We were put inside a cargo box inside a boat and that journey was supposed to take 8 hours but it ended up being 4 nights and 5 days - 105 hours ... It was such a danger to just lose hope and go crazy."
-Chai Ling, tudent leader in the Tiananmen Square protests
Drugs, Prostitution and GDP
"They didn't do a lot of field research, that's for sure. That's not how statisticians like to approach the nether-regions of the economy."
-Tim Harford, columnist, broadcaster and author of The Undercover Economist Strikes Back on how the UK came up with economic figures for sex and drugs.
Build Your Own Campaign Narrative
Go here to create your own campaign narrative from our Ontario Election Plot Generator that morphs campaign promises with plot lines farmed from Netflix
21st Century Etiquette
"If you wouldn't walk up to somebody in the grocery store and say "you know, you might rethink that dress with those shoes!" don't do it on the Internet."
-Amy Alkon author of Good Manners for Nice People who Sometimes say F*ck