The unstoppable Kim Dotcom
How does Internet tycoon Kim Dotcom celebrate anniversaries? On the first anniversary of the raid on his New Zealand mansion that led to the shut down of his MegaUpload website, he launched a brand new data storage website called Mega. This week, on the raid's second anniversary, he launched the new Baboom music-sharing service, his own dance music album, and moved forward with plans for his...

How does Internet tycoon Kim Dotcom celebrate anniversaries? On the first anniversary of the raid on his New Zealand mansion that led to the shut down of his MegaUpload website, he launched a brand new data storage website called Mega. This week, on the raid's second anniversary, he launched the new Baboom music-sharing service, his own dance music album, and moved forward with plans for his own political party. New Zealand Herald reporter David Fisher, author of The Secret Life of Kim Dotcom, explains how Dotcom has become a thorn in the side of the New Zealand political establishment - even as he faces charges of racketeering and copyright theft.