What's your reaction to the flooding?

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If the four horsemen show up in New Brunswick this week, they'd better be packing hip waders.
New Brunswickers are battling — and fleeing — from fast-rising waters as, today, the St. John River surpassed the record-level set almost half-a-century ago in 1973.
More than 800 people have been forced from their homes and thousands are without power. The Trans-Canada Highway between Fredericton and Moncton is closed. The Coast Guard has mobilized and is ready to assist flood relief. But officials worry the worst of the flooding is still to come and the premier may yet call in the army.
New Brunswick residents aren't the only Canadians facing watery basements and washed out roads, however.. In the West, flooding has plagued areas of central and northern Alberta prompting evacuations near Fort Vermillion. Several parts of B.C.'s interior are under state of emergency as unseasonably warm weather triggers rising lake waters and swollen rivers.
Of course, it is spring. April showers bring May flowers and all that. It's the nature of things, say some.
But extreme weather events such as heavy rain and flooding are happening more and more often. Remember that flood that devastated the city of Calgary in 2013 causing an estimated 1.7 billion dollars in damages? It was considered a "once-in-a-century" event. Not anymore given the effects of climate change, say weather experts.
Grace Losier, mayor of Grand Bay-Westfield, N.B.
Sharon Murphy-Mayne, a homeowner in Rothesay, N.B.
Brittany Merrifield and her father Bill, in Grand Bay, N.B. sand-bagging volunteers
Brad Walters, geography and environmental studies professor at Mount Allison University in Sackville, N.B.
Don Darling, mayor of Saint John, N.B. @dondarlingSJ
Tina Lovgreen, CBC News video journalist in British Columbia @tinalovgreen
Paul Kovacs, Executive Director, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. Adjunct Research Professor, Economics, Western University
President & CEO, Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation @ICLRCanada