Baroness von Sketch Show star Jennifer Whalen takes the news quiz
Jennifer Whalen, Andrew Phung and Martha Chaves take the news quiz with host Gavin Crawford.

Subscribe to the podcast of Canada's funniest news quiz, Because News.
Host Gavin Crawford and his panellists are on set, for the Because News television premiere! Featuring:
- Stand-up comedian Martha Chaves
- Andrew Phung, star of Kim's Convenience
- Jennifer Whalen from CBC's hit Baroness von Sketch Show
Because News is written and produced by Elizabeth Bowie, David Carroll, Gavin Crawford and Phil Leung, with help this week from Lee Pitts, Alexis Perikleous, Erin Conway, Miguel Rivas, Jan Caruana, and Jon Blair.
Opening Theme:
Trump's post-covid speech, courtesy of US Network Pool Via Reuters & CNN
Trump addresses suburban women, courtesy of US Network Pool Via Reuters & CNN
Dr. Theresa Tam discussing Halloween safety protocols, courtesy of CBC News