Hezollah attack, sign language interpreter, Graceland Too auction, and more...

Hezbollah shells an Israeli convoy near the disputed Golan Heights, and two IDF soldiers and a Spanish UN peacekeeper are killed.. Jonathan Lamberton has been criticized for his flamboyant style when doing sign-language interpretation for New York mayor Bill de Blasio. But he's not hearing the criticisms, because he's deaf himself...and "Graceland Too," a Mississippi man's incredible home for Elvis, is up for sale after the owner died.
Part One
Hezbollah attack
Hezbollah militants fire mortar shells on an Israeli convoy near the disputed Golan Heights region, killing two Israeli soldiers and a Spanish U-N peacekeeper - and Israel is promising a tough response.
Sign language interpreter
He's the flamboyant sign-language interpeter for New York mayor Bill de Blasio. Jonathan Lamberton has drawn ire for what some see as a melodramatic style that steals the limelight. But it turns out there's more to Mr. Lamberton than meets the ear.
Beer rabbit
A New York man trains a rabbit to bring him bottles of beer -- by pushing it along in a little cart.

Part Two
Boko Haram: latest
Boko Haram continues its rampage across north eastern Nigeria this week, burning and looting villages. Now the extremist group is setting its sights on Maiduguri, the largest city in Nigeria's north.
"Graceland Too" auction
A Mississippi roadside attraction dedicated to the king -- and all the Elvis memorabilia inside of it -- is going on the auction block this weekend.

Part Three
Belize water temple
A team of scientists believe they have found evidence of a Mayan water temple -- deep inside a pool, under the shade of a forest in Belize.
Gay men pardon
In the wake of The Imitation Game, the film about gay codebreaker Alan Turing, activists are seeking pardons for thousands of men who were persecuted and prosecuted in Britain because of their sexual orientation.
Yellow car man
Tourists in the UK complain about an Instagram-unfriendly yellow car, constantly parked in front of a row of pretty old cottages.