As It Happens

As It Happens: The Thursday Edition

Sept. 1, 2022

Episode Transcript

Part One

Alaska Congressional Winner 
Mary Peltola beats out Alaska's most famous former governor in a special election -- becoming the first Indigenous Alaskan to go to Congress.

988 Line MP
Ringing endorsement. Soon Canadians in crisis will be able to dial a simple three-digit number to get help. An MP who pushed for the suicide hotline tells us why the news left him in tears.

Winnipeg Bike Theft
Walking the walk. A mayoral candidate in Winnipeg promises to reduce bike theft. Then less than two hours later ... well, let's just say things got wheel serious.

Chia Seeds So Hot
Buyer beware. As chia seeds have yet another surge in popularity, experts warn a little goes a long way with the fibre-rich food -- so you're not going to want to over-do-do-do it.

Part Two

US Uighur Report
Truth will out. Her brother has spent years imprisoned in China. So a Uighur lawyer welcomes the UN report condeming China's abuse of her sibling -- and hundreds of thousands of others.

NL Sugar Tax
Pop hit. Newfoundland and Labrador introduces a tax on sugary drinks it says will promote healthier living -- but critics worry it's a financial burden many can't afford.