As It Happens: Monday Edition

Part One
Carbon pricing
The Prime Minister tells provincial leaders to adopt a carbon pricing plan, or he'll do it for them. Alberta's Environment Minister says that's fine — provided the PM loosens up on pipelines.
Trump taxes: journalist
New York Times reporter Susanne Craig tells us about the day she grabbed her mail — and discovered the Republican presidential candidate's 1995 tax returns.
Elena Ferrante
An Italian journalist faces a furious backlash, when he conducts a painstaking investigation — and reveals what he believes is the real name of the mysterious bestselling writer Elena Ferrante.
Part Two
Canada Mexico death
Ten years after moving to Mexico and becoming part of a vibrant creative community, Canadian artist Barbara McClatchie Andrews is murdered.
Pit bull ban
If you own a pit bull in Montreal, and you don't follow the city's restrictive new rules, you could be ordered to have your pet put down — but one veterinarian tells us she won't be the one to do it.
Part Three
Médécins sans Frontières (MSF): Kunduz doctor
Today, a memorial was planned for the people killed in a year ago in a U.S. airstrike on an MSF hospital in Afghanistan. But it was cancelled, after a Taliban attack forced a mass evacuation. Australian doctor Kathleen Thomas survived that attack last October.
Polar bear encounter
With a polar bear charging toward her, a six-year-old North West Territories girl freezes in shock — until her cousin tosses her a skipping rope.
Colombia referendum
The world welcomed the peace deal in Colombia. But Colombian voters did not. After a stunning — and extremely close — referendum, we'll find out how people there are reacting to the "No" vote.