As It Happens, Monday Edition

Part One
Panama Papers latest
There won't be a lot of cigars smoked at Canada's country clubs tonight -- because the release of the Panama Papers has exposed still more about the offshore accounts of some of our wealthiest citizens.
North Korea congress
When you accept an invitation to a rare Workers' Party congress in North Korea, you expect things to be weird, repressive and possibly scary -- and, as a Washington Post reporter tells us, they were.
Alfred E. Neuman kid
When a seven-year-old Alberta boy loses a front tooth, he gains a place on the newsstand -- because his resemblance to Alfred E. Neuman has landed him a spot in that furshlugginer Mad Magazine.
Part Two
Philippines election
He's a crude, hateful misogynist who promises his rule will be "bloody." And if the early results are accurate, Rodrigo Duterte is also going to be the next president of the Philippines.
Buried chamber
An archaeologist is overjoyed to get a look inside a two-thousand-year-old underground chamber -- and positively giddy to find two-hundred-year-old stuff inside that.
Part Three
CDC guidelines
Canada's guidelines are not working. So, with the opioid crisis getting worse, doctors are looking to the U.S. for more effective rules for writing prescriptions -- and considering adopting them instead.
Imodium misuse
New research has found that people are taking enormous doses of an over-the-counter medication that contains opioids -- Imodium.
The Landmine Boys
Growing up in Cambodia, Richard Yim was constantly warned by his parents to watch out for land mines. Now, he has started a company called the Landmine Boys that's developing a robot that can diffuse them.