Samantha Bee confirms Laughing Guy is the real deal!

We couldn't be happier Samantha Bee has got her own new TV show called "Full Frontal." And she deserves it. She's smart. She's funny. She's Canadian. And guess what? She's a she. It's 2016, folks. Women can host late night television too.
The show debuted last week and overall the critics love it. We do too.
But, we had a question. Not so much about the show itself or Samantha Bee. It's more about the audience.

More specifically, well -- we'll just call him "Laughing guy."
Here, take a listen:

Did you catch that? Ok, here he is again:

And again.

The guy wouldn't stop laughing. Every single joke, he's there in the background:

And again.

And again.

We counted...

Eighty-one times in the same half-hour episode! "Laughing Guy" wouldn't quit. He was a laughing machine. And that right there raised a question. Man or machine? Well, Samantha Bee reached out to us on Twitter. Laughing Guy the genuine article. Here, take a look:
<a href="">@cbcasithappens</a> <a href="">@CBCArts</a> <a href="">@CBCPunchline</a> I can answer this question with absolute certainty: he is a real person.
Thanks Samantha Bee for setting the record straight! Earlier, we asked you to cast your vote. Take a look at the results: