First Play Live: Patrick Watson, Wave
Watch and Listen to Patrick Watson perform songs in our CBC Music Studio

Patrick Watson knew shortly after he and his band had completed their last studio album, 2015's Love Songs for Robots, that he wanted the next one to be as intimate and vulnerable as possible. His latest album, Wave, certainly reflects that.
"It's like in sci-fi films, there's so much CG that the story's been lost a little bit, and I feel like in music it's a bit similar in a sense where there's like really amazing fascinating production … at some point you just want to hear someone talk to you and tell a really thoughtful story," Watson explained during his First Play Live session.
Some of Watson's story during the last four years has included losing his mother, separating from his partner, and his longtime drummer leaving the group.
"I had a very crazy four years of just things changing all the time … and every time I was like, 'Oh, yeah, I got it!' and it would totally be taken away and I'd have to start over again," he said.
Despite all the tumultuous times, Wave is quintessential Patrick Watson. It fits perfectly within the continuum of his catalogue and contains many future classics.
Watch below as Patrick Watson, his band and a trio of backup singers (Carleigh Aikins, Kyla Charter and Meghann Contini) perform songs from Wave — and re-interpret a titular Patrick Watson classic.
You can also listen to the entire live session on CBC Listen.