Desarae Dee's album, Adventure, illustrates the 'freeing' nature of jazz
The instrumentalist and composer talks about her career in a new interview on The Block

Desarae Dee, the multi-instrumentalist and composer known for her innovative genre-spanning jams and self-made tiny desk concerts, released her debut album, Adventure, on Sept. 25. A blend that pulls in elements of funk, jazz, neo-soul and more, Dee's record illustrates her journey as a Black woman finding her way in the music industry.
In a new interview with The Block, Dee opened up to Angeline Tetteh-Wayoe about becoming an instrumental fusion artist, her upbringing and the making of her new album.
The full interview is available above and you can read an excerpt of their conversation below.
What does "Late Arrival" speak to?
Well, "Late Arrival" speaks to [how] it's never too late to start. So whether that's a passion or a past hobby or even just starting something new, starting a new career, it's never too late. And I think that people often tie their age as to why they don't do things. [They say] "Oh, I'm too old or, you know, I should have started earlier." And I say, "In the times that we're living in, life is too short and sometimes you've just got to do it."
Yeah. And you make it shorter by saying, "This is the cut-off. You don't live this many years."
Also, we're on borrowed time, so you never know when it's your time to go. And, you know, I would hate for people to have regrets for not doing the things that they really, truly want to do.
My thing lately is, you know, any time I start getting anxious about that type of feeling, whether it be on a grand scale of like, "What am I doing with my life?" or just getting someplace that I don't necessarily need to be super punctual for, I start to panic that I'm going to be late. But I always say to myself, "You know what? You're going to get there at the exact right time." And you know what, it usually is. It's perfect timing. So the new album, Adventure, drops September 25 [and I] just found out that's your birthday. So I just have to say early happy birthday.
Thank you.
Let's talk a little bit about your your upbringing. You come from a Jamaican household.
You grew up going to church?
And that's where you were introduced to music?
Actually, my father was a musician. Well, he still is, technically.
You never stop being a musician.
Never. You never do. He actually used to sing in a group with his friends from church called the Soul Searchers, and they travelled to different churches and performed. And I remember my mom bringing me as a little kid. I think I was maybe one, or two ... I would get to hear my dad. [I don't fully] remember these things because I was two years old.
And I think he wanted to keep that musical lineage going with either myself or my brother. Now, my brother is a gamer, and he had no interest in music. [But] they noticed [I had] a musical gift. I think I was about three years old, and from what they've told me, I was too early for lessons. So they waited a few years and then they put me in lessons when I was six years old.
And that's when it began. Piano?
Anything else?
[Just] that, for now.
It's also in here that you're self-taught jazz pianist. So you were trained in a different style than jazz. [Can] you can talk about the difference between the two?
Well, I was classically trained, so everything had to be, "perfect." So the notes had to be played perfectly. The style had to be played perfectly. You didn't really have any room to explore or go outside of that, whereas jazz is more freeing. It's [making] mistakes. They're part of the song. It doesn't matter, but it's just more free-flowing and you're able to express your creativity on a bigger scale.
This interview has been edited for clarity and length. To hear the full interview, listen to The Block on CBC Music.