These DIY cheesecloth ghosts make for a simple and spooky scene
Halloween phantoms you can float together or alone in any size you want to materialize.
Whether you're interesting in making just one spooker to place artfully in an abstract space or you want to fill a scene with as many cheesecloth souls as it can hold, this inexpensive and easy project is a great go-to for Halloween DIYers.
Gather the simple materials required and strategize the haunting of your space. These ghosts will appear with minimal effort and maximum impact.
Here's what you'll need:
- Scissors
- Cheesecloth (available at most grocery or hardware stores)
- 3 bottles
- 3 balloons
- Bowl
- White glue
- Black card stock
- String
- 1 bead
Here's how to do it:
Cut the cheesecloth into squares. You'll want to layer the squares for texture, so use at least 3 layers.
Set out 1 taller bottle for the head, and 2 smaller bottles for the arms.
Blow up 3 small balloons that will be used to shape the head and the arms, and place them on top of the bottles.
Pour a good amount of glue into a bowl.

Now it's time to shape the ghost. Dip the cheesecloth in the glue, and make sure it's evenly coated. Squish through the glue.
Lay the cheesecloth over the balloons, and stretch the cloth to avoid clumps.
Let the ghost dry overnight.
Your ghost is ready for the final steps. Remove the balloons by popping them and gently peeling them away.

Cut out circles for the eyes and the mouth with black card stock, and glue them on the face of the ghost.
Cut a small hole on top of the head using your scissors.
Feed the string through the hole, and add a bead on the inside to keep it secure. Pull the string through.
You now have a spooktacular ghost for your Halloween decorations!