31 Halloween couple costume ideas from people who killed it on IG
Caution: these will give you acute gram envy

Some swear up and down that February is for lovers. That late winter holiday has its place. Still, there are others who prefer their red hearts a little bloodier and their small winged emissaries more furry and fang-toothed than cherubic
If you and your favourite human need a bit of inspiration, look no further than #couplescostumes on Instagram. Don't worry, we've done the heavy scrolling for you. Here are some of the most impressive couples' costumes that rule the Gram. Be warned, the Halloween game is strong with these lovers.
Popeye and Olive
Not sure we can assign causality to spinach or any other leafy greens but these two are strong to the finish. Also, adorbs.
Moonrise kingdom
A Wes Anderson homage perfectly performed.
Ghostbuster and Stay Puft Marshmallow man
She ain't afraid of no ghost, but she may be annoyed with one. Still epic and worth the eye-rolling haunts she no doubt endured.
Pennywise times 2
Creepiest couples costume ever. If only in the murderous horror clown mythology genre.
Titanic deadly duo
Hmm. Maybe there wasn't room on the door for both of them. Dead: check. Fun: check. Creative: check. That's all the boxes.
Up Couple Cosplay
The tennis balls on the pronged walker, the pins on the sash. This is how you cosplay.
These two are built for comfort not style, but we're still pretty into the aesthetic.
Emoji Twins
A cuter social media clin d'oeil we've yet to see. And a pretty expert toe point on both counts.
Eleven and alphabet wall
This awesome homage to Stranger Things totally lights up our alphabet walls.
Bearded lady and Strong Man
The circus sideshow costume remains a timeless classic. And this is far more whimsical than the buzzkilling American Horror Story version.
Fresh Prince and Hilary Banks
These two have earned the right to sit on a loveseat throne hybrid as true Bel Air royalty.
Thundercats Couple
We just wish we were this good at anything. Anything.
Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat
The good people at Banana Inc. should ensure that these two eat for free for the rest of time.
Morticia and Gomez Addams
With the exception of Anjelica Huston and Raul Julia, no one has made us snap or fingers in time like these two.
Kermit and Piggy
Pink, green, mammal, amphibian, miffed, manic. Love is love. Also, why isn't this show still on.
Gremlin gathering
Surprisingly, this is not an outtake from Gremlins 3: How I Met Your Mogwai. This couple just rocks at dressup.
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy
Best hero cosplay ever. The devil really is in the details (by which we mean seashells).
You may have to quit you job to manage this one as well. Still, it could be worth it.
Dr Who and Sarah Jane Smith
A tip of the Whovian hat to this couple. Even the non-fans can appreciate this awesome cosplay.
Tank Girl and Tank
It's the age-old tale of a hard femme punk with the skills and savvy to survive in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland with her tank.
Mary Poppins and Chimney Sweep
You don't need a spoonful a sugar to digest his one, it's already pretty sweet. Also, have victorian clothes always been this hip?
Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz
If saying Beetlejuice three times could summon this couple to any Halloween party, they'd never get any haunting of their own done.
Pikachu and Ash
Some points go to DNA and size differential here, but this is a cosplay win. Find yourself a larger or smaller human to couple with (depending) to pull this off as well.
Tink and Link
It's got a rhyming name, it involves fairy folk, it's decidedly endearing. What's not to love. Also, that thimble alone could win a costume prize.
Ecce Homo Jesus and Amateur Artist
This throwback to the tragico-comic art restoration of Ecce Homo that sparked a meme frenzy is still worthy of applause.
Kim Possible and Ronstoppable
Just really solid cartoon couples cosplay. No notes. Nailed it.
Frank and Bride
Dusting off a classic isn't cliché when the execution is this detailed and winning.
Hockey Player and Stanley Cup
The beauty of this costume is that the hockey player half can be in any jersey. So there's some wish fulfillment heavily woven in.
Han and Leia
We love this. They know. We just dig the switch up.
Marla and Tyler
The first rule of this costume is that everybody is going to talk about it.
Axl and Slash
Not as complex as some but the execution is well achieved and this is still a pretty fun costume win (that also let's you rock out to Mr Brownstone at will).