Trudeau and Obama had lobster and wine at Liverpool House and we weren't even invited
#DinnerGoals: A seat at this table

You have probably already seen this image and were like woah:
Tonight in Montreal, <a href="">@BarackObama</a> and <a href="">@JustinTrudeau</a> discussed their shared commitment to developing the next generation of leaders. <a href=""></a>
TBH we were like ugh. Never ask us again "who we would invite to a dinner party, dead or alive". This already legendary dinner is #goals for us from now on.
Apparently it had all the things. Our fearless, charismatic, (handsome, it cannot go unsaid), leader, Trudeau? Check. An equally honourable, charming, (handsome, it needn't go unsaid), former leader, Obama? Check. At Liverpool House (of the Joe Beef empire?) CHECK over their epic lobster pasta* CHECK and some stellar Norman Hardie wine* CHECK!!
*This according to our fellow foodie Matt Galloway on CBC's Metro Morning.
Already being touted as "The Liverpool House Summit", it's not known exactly what was discussed. (Intimate convo among trusted peers? Check.) But Trudeau tweeted this along with that photo op above: "How do we get young leaders to take action in their communities? Thanks @BarackObama for your visit & insights tonight in my hometown."
All we know for sure is that PM Justin Trudeau knows how to entertain a guest — we couldn't have done it better ourselves. We drool just thinking about that lobster spaghetti, never leave The County without "Norm" Hardie wine (don't get us started on his pizza parties). Like us, Trudeau is a huge fan of Montreal's world renowned David McMillan (Joe Beef is his most famous outpost, though Liverpool may surpass it after last night, but note bene: do not overlook the magical Vin Papillon. All are, conveniently, just doors from each other! #neighbourhoodgoals).
Not saying the Tuesday night dinner you 'grammed with your friends wasn't special in it's own way. But nothing has given us this much FOMO since… nothing has ever given us this much FOMO. Pardon us while we spend the day trying to get a reso at Liverpool, and trying to order one of these before they sell out:
More from last night if you, too, can't get over this: