#CanadaGem: These celebrated craft brewers across the country will make you super thirsty

This article was originally published June 16, 2017 and was updated on August 3, 2018.
We here at CBC Life are just as excited as you about Canada's 150th birthday. So in the month leading up to July 1, we're showcasing some of our country's amazing hidden gems from coast to coast: totally Instagram-worthy food, tiles too pretty to *not* shoot, crazy views and more. #CanadaGem #CBClife
No disrespect to the Belgians and Germans but beer making has become recognized as a staunchly Canadian competence.
Our work ethic will almost certainly get'er done, whatever the task laid before us. It's unsurprising then that some of our most celebrated offerings are cold and crafted - potentially the twin pillars of post-colonial Canadian civilization (if we put a temporary pin in the Canadian virtue of politeness). Impressively expert craft beer outfits have been springing up across the country and we'd do well to raise a glass to them (and then tilt those glasses mouthward).
With great bottle art and sly naming conventions, some of these beloved brews have clever handles like the Fat Tug or the Shawinigan Handshake. Some remain demure with more traditional labeling. But all are worth the trip to get a sip. If you can't get them in your area, maybe this is the summer for that cross Canada road trip. You really just need time off, wheels and money to fuel your ride and your body. Note that a cold beer has 153 life-sustaining calories, if ever you need to make a decision between a tuna melt and one-of-a-kind craft brew.
These are some of the best craft beers Canada has to offer in every province (and one territory):
Driftwood Brewery, Victoria, B.C.
Blindman Brewery, Lacombe, Alta.
Prairie Sun Brewery, Saskatoon, Sask.
Nokomis Craft Ales, Nokomis, Sask.
Barn Hammer Brewing Company, Winnipeg, Man.
Bellwoods Brewery, Toronto, Ont.
Midtown Brewing Company, Prince Edward County, Ont.
Microbrasserie Le Castor, Rigaud, Que.
HELM Microbrasserie sur Bernard, Montreal, Que.
Micro-brasserie Le Trou du diable, Shawinigan-sud, Que.
Red Rover Craft Cider, Fredericton, N.B.
Picaroons Traditional Ales, Saint John, N.B.
Upstreet Craft Brewing, Charlottetown, P.E.I.
2 Crows Brewing Co., Halifax, N.S.
Port Rexton Brewing Co. Ltd., Port Rexton, N.L.
NWT Brewing Co., Yellowknife, N.W.T.
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Marc Beaulieu is a Montreal writer, producer, performer, professional host and mental health advocate whose one true love is weird news. Follow him on Twitter @TheMarcBeaulieu for fun facts and oddities.