Your horoscope for the week ahead: The new moon in Cancer offers the chance to create something special
Do your best to avoid overspending and consuming as the sun in Gemini squares expansive Jupiter in fiery Aries

Try not to bite off more than you can chew as you start planning your journey to success on Monday. When ambitious Mars in fiery Aries forms a sextile with disciplined Saturn in independent Aquarius, we're called to keep our efforts practical in order to make significant strides forward.
Be gentle with yourself on Tuesday, as the ego-ruling sun in chatty Gemini squares expansive Jupiter in passionate Aries. It can be tempting to push hard in all directions during this transit, but ultimately, the results won't be worth the extra effort. Do your best to avoid overspending and consuming as these heavenly bodies work against each other.
Meanwhile, dreamy Neptune will station retrograde in thoughtful Pisces, helping us to distinguish fact from fiction in our own lives. The planet of illusion reveals things as they are when he moves in reverse, giving us the opportunity to evolve as new information becomes available.
A busy astrological day reaches its peak when the emotion-ruling moon begins a new phase in imaginative Cancer (this will happen just after midnight on Wednesday for those in Newfoundland and Labrador). Take a moment to meditate on what you'd like to create under the influence of the new moon, and set an intention that will help you to take the first step. A kind word could go a long way to inspiring someone in your life.
You'll want to guard your words and reactions on Friday, when energetic Mars in competitive Aries squares transformative Pluto in ruthless Capricorn. Aim for the high road in your interactions with others, as tempers have a tendency to flare during this transit. If you find yourself being tested, ask yourself whether you'd rather be right or happy.
And if you're worried that you've said something you can't come back from — fear not. You'll have a chance to do damage control on Saturday, when clever Mercury in inquisitive Gemini trines disciplined Saturn in forward-thinking Aquarius. Making amends is possible if you put your mind to it. However, it's important to keep your words short and sweet as you try to get your point across. As Mercury goes on to square Neptune in sensitive Pisces, your message could become convoluted if you're not careful.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, June 27, 2022.
Exciting opportunities lie ahead, Aries. Early in the week, you may find that your professional ambitions are strongly aligned with your moral compass. Use this as fuel to reach your goals — and aim high. Escaping from your usual routine by diving into your passions could help to guide any restless energy you're feeling into a joyful new hobby. Scale up your knowledge by self-teaching or taking a class. Meanwhile, trusting your intuition could help you get out of a sticky situation should one arise. By thinking quickly on your feet, you can navigate any conflict that comes your way.
Investing time in inner-healing will allow you to bloom, Taurus. If you're interested in connecting to a higher power, exploring new approaches to your faith could help you feel more grounded this week. Meanwhile, conversations around cash could turn sour if there are too many cooks in the kitchen. So focus on simplifying your discussions and do your best to adopt a gracious attitude. Know when to back away — it's not worth the drama. You may find you're a whiz with numbers at the end of the week, quickly finding solutions to any budgeting problems that popped up earlier. Try not to get down on yourself for not seeing the answers sooner — hindsight is always 20/20.
Have your aspirations shifted, Gemini? You may find yourself starting to consider new career paths as you learn more about your professional trajectory this week. Just be sure not to shrug off elements of your work that you don't enjoy while you begin to explore fresh opportunities. Disagreements surrounding the handling of your finances could also pop up, but ultimately, they will illuminate the places where you need to take immediate action. So take this time to set an intention that will help you stabilize your cash flow. Then, if you feel your mind is getting easily clouded toward the end of the week, take the opportunity to relax and recharge your emotional batteries.
Get moving toward your dreams, Cancer. The timing is right to start a new project or discover a brilliant way of getting things done. So this week, challenge yourself to achieve something just for you. Ask yourself what you really want to help plant the seeds that will get you there. If you notice conflict rising at work or manifesting in your responsibilities, don't be afraid to retreat for a moment. Steer clear of people who are looking to get a rise out of you or will do anything to climb the ladder to success. Keeping the peace could prove to be more precious than gold this week.
Don't underestimate the power of holding back, Leo. It can be tempting to soak up the spotlight and show off, but this week, it's in your best interest to practice moderation in all things — especially regarding how you present yourself out in the world. Save your energy for the right moment mid-week, when you feel compelled to share your current vision with those around you. If you play your cards right, it could bless you with new opportunities. Meanwhile, any financial puzzles will be solved with ease thanks to your quick mind. Adopt a frugal mentality, and you could create a promising new outlook for yourself.
Don't hesitate to ask for what you want, Virgo. You'll be well on your way to satisfying your romantic and physical needs if you can just find the right way to express your desires. While identifying problems has never been an issue for you, finding solutions will also come easy this week. Use this energy to brainstorm ways to cut your home maintenance costs so you can free up funds for new projects in your space. In your professional world, don't hesitate to experiment with your hobbies and explore new avenues for your talents. If you can bring your passions to work, you could find a way to make your career more fulfilling.
You're ready to put the work into your relationships, Libra. As you focus on creating stability and offering support to those around you, people will feel your love. So enjoy your time with friends and family this week, knowing that you can help to provide some relief. If you've been itching to start a new work project, take this time to consider how you'd like to get started. You may even want to make an outline; putting pen to paper can be a powerful way to manifest your goals. Meanwhile, if conversations about money become more intense than you'd like, know when to step away from conflict and give others a chance to cool down.
Stay organized this week, Scorpio. If you're not careful, you could get swallowed up by a mess of paperwork relating to your education or upcoming travel plans. So set aside some time to get on top of your correspondence, pay off bills and clear out anything that no longer serves you. Adopting an abundant attitude could also go a long way in increasing your happiness during this time, perhaps inspiring you to share your wealth with your nearest and dearest. Just remember to choose the path of least resistance, as egos tend to clash under the current conditions. Pad your schedule to avoid conflict on your commute or in your routines.
Your spirit is unbreakable, Sagittarius. So if you want to spend your time polishing your image this week, instead of looking inward, feel free. Dressing in clothes that make you feel happy and comfortable, and devoting energy to beauty and grooming could go a long way in boosting your mood. You could also have the chance to increase your earning potential during this time. The secret will be in the problem-solving — what gems of information can you uncover? Meanwhile, conversations with family could start to feel slightly off toward the end of the week. Take your time to get back on the same page, and don't push. If you need a moment to recentre, do it in nature.
It's time to get your space in order, Capricorn. Luckily, your problem-solving powers are amped up right now, which will help you achieve your domestic goals — just be sure to see how others feel about your plans if you share a home. Whether you're single or attached, you may also feel inspired to meditate on how to bring more love into your life. Consider your relationships, and create an intention to heal the parts of yourself that require more consistent attention. Thanks to a little cosmic intervention, you'll be able to free up some time in your schedule this week too. As you do, remember that applying a bit of discipline can help you achieve great long-term results.
Don't disregard your finances, Aquarius. If you pay close attention this week, you could come across new information that will help you to take control of your cash. If you've been looking to create a positive new routine, now is the ideal time to adjust your schedule and start holding yourself accountable in order to create lasting results. Meanwhile, the current cosmic conditions could cause tempers to flare at work. People tend to feel power-hungry under this influence and can become unpleasant when provoked. If you can navigate personality clashes during this time with grace, you'll be able to come away unscathed.
You're on the precipice of something new and exciting, Pisces. Practice mindfulness to help you stay grounded this week as you gather your creative energy and redirect it toward a new project that will express your inner artist. Under this positive influence, you can also enjoy socializing with colleagues and creating stronger connections at work. You'll be wise to avoid discussing money, however, as it could trigger people in unexpected and upsetting ways. Remembering to be sensitive to the unknown plights of others will be key during this time. At the end of the week, unwind with loved ones by making comfort food and turning off your brain.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.