Your horoscope for the week ahead: Fight the urge to take on too much
As the sun squares dreamy Neptune, channel your energy into your creative activities

Are you ready to take care of business? On Monday, the spirit-driving sun will sextile disciplined Saturn, helping you harness a no-nonsense attitude to get things done. Under this influence, we tend to pride ourselves on being responsible and focus on proving our value through our efforts. You may also be asked to lend your wisdom to others or find your leadership skills tested.
You'll be happy you created this sense of structure early on, as your drive could start to waver when the sun squares dreamy Neptune on Wednesday. It may be tempting to give into procrastination during this time, but try to still keep up with essential tasks to avoid falling behind in your duties. Channeling any remaining energy into creative activities could also help to improve your state of mind.
On Friday, you'll have a chance to pick up the slack as the emotion-ruling moon wanes into her third quarter in organized Virgo. Fight the urge to start more projects than you can handle during this lunar event, as you could end up overwhelming yourself with busywork. Instead, use this moment to take meaningful steps toward your goals. And if you don't end up ticking everything off your to-do list, avoid punishing yourself. What is meant to be will happen in time.
You'll be ready to mix things up on the weekend as chatty Mercury trines innovative Uranus on Saturday, setting the stage for you to make new discoveries. Open yourself up to the unexpected — you could be introduced to someone who inspires you.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, December 12, 2022.
Strike while the iron is hot, Aries. Your creative mind will be working efficiently to align with your professional desires early this week, helping you shine in your field. Trusting your intuition will take you far at work, especially if you can act quickly. Be sure to write down your ideas as they come to you and make plans to move them forward so that you don't lose traction. Midweek, if you find yourself falling into the trap of imposter syndrome, you may want to try bolstering your confidence with positive affirmations. Reminding yourself of how far you've come will help to soothe your spirit.
How do you strengthen your mind, Taurus? Early this week, you may feel drawn to sort through your books, art collection or travel mementoes, which could rouse you to venture into the unknown and seek new avenues for learning. Use this newfound motivation to sign up for a class or experience that encourages you to grow. Meanwhile, working on a certain creative project could leave you feeling impatient, since you're ready to fast-forward to the end result. If you're single and dating, this energy could manifest in behaviour that comes across as pushy. Whether you're dealing with art, love or both, try to focus on enjoying the journey.
Focus on managing your own happiness this week, Gemini. Investing time in self-love will help you to shatter any insecurities that may arise. At work, you may need to toughen your protective shell to avoid letting others manipulate you. Instead of getting ready to battle your opponents, stay focused on your professional goals and seek out creative outlets to nurture your inner artist. Toward the weekend, you'll be busy coming up with solutions to support your loved ones at home. Just remember to take a moment to slow down and identify what's really doable — being smart with your time will ensure you still have time to unwind.
You have a knack for balancing your vision with practicality, Cancer. And at the start of the week, you may finally have a clear picture of the exact efforts you need to take in order to realize a long-held dream. If you're in a relationship, be sure to sit down with your partner to share these steps and get them on board. Midweek, try not to get too discouraged if you lose a little of your steam and it starts to feel like the world is against you. Set aside time to gather your strength and congratulate yourself on your accomplishments thus far. You'll be able to snap out of your funk at the end of the week when your energy returns.
Step into the spotlight and show off your sunny personality, Leo. This week, your charming nature could influence others to shed their pessimism and take more chances. You may even feel inspired to reach out and brighten a stranger's day. Near the end of the week, you could feel your focus turn toward tying up loose ends. Organizing paperwork and reviewing your finances will help you avoid surprises down the road. Then, over the weekend, you may come across new opportunities for building your wealth. If you're in a relationship, be sure to share them with your partner so you can start brainstorming for your shared future.
Your love language is one of service, Virgo. But sometimes, you have to allow your loved ones to make their own mistakes — or rise to the occasion. So if family members come to you for advice at the start of the week, try to save your energy and resist jumping in to fix their problem. They'll be happy you offered your ear to listen, even if you can't provide them with a solution. Meanwhile, focus on relaxing at home so you can recalibrate for what's ahead. By the weekend, your mind will be swirling with exciting ideas for your career. Be sure to write down any insights you have — and prepare to start making some big moves.
Get your loved ones on board with your next big idea, Libra. Striking up a casual conversation could help you make some necessary alterations to a shared space — or pull off a bigger change of scenery. Be ready to lead the charge so you can create your ideal environment. Midweek, you may start to feel uninspired, but refrain from talking yourself out of your responsibilities. Sticking to smaller tasks will help you to stay focused. Meanwhile, you may notice your career aspirations firming up on the horizon. Take this opportunity to look inward and ask yourself what you really want to achieve.
You've got your head in the game, Scorpio. Early this week, you'll be busy strategizing your next venture with firm financial targets in mind. Bottle this lightning by setting achievable objectives that will help you stay accountable to your vision. Near the weekend, you may feel compelled to plan your next big get-together. Try not to be disappointed if you can't corral your whole social circle — make time for one-on-one meet-ups with your besties instead. Catching up with family during this time could also lead to some serendipitous discoveries. If you can let your guard down, the people you love could introduce you to powerful new ways of thinking.
Money matters can be easily solved when you set your mind to them, Sagittarius. At the beginning of the week, you'll find yourself able to navigate complex financial issues with a cool head. And by being sensible with your budget, you'll have the chance to strengthen your foundations, too. On the home front, you may want to choose your topics of conversation wisely, as loved ones could derail you. Remember that it's up to you to follow your passions and stay on your chosen path. Happy news could arrive on the weekend, offering you promising opportunities in your professional life. Now is the time to harness your influence to bring your dreams to life.
Spend time getting to know your shadow self this week, Capricorn. To achieve self-acceptance and free yourself from negative thinking, it's essential that you work on embracing this side of yourself. Keeping a dream journal could be a helpful way to uncover hidden desires and start looking at the world in new ways. But while this practice may feel liberating, it's probably best to hold off on sharing your learnings with others. This weekend, you could end up making a discovery that alters your schedule in a positive way. Seek to further improve your day-to-day by creating joyful experiences to look forward to.
Are superficial subjects boring you, Aquarius? If you feel the urge to immerse yourself in otherworldly matters, this could be a good week to invite your loved ones over to exchange opinions on what lies beyond. You're fascinated by the metaphysical realm, so chances are your insights could help expand the minds of the people around you. Later in the week, you'll be called to refocus your attention on your obligations, drawing you back down to earth. Instead of pouring yourself into each problem, take a step back and make a detailed to-do list to set yourself up for a productive week ahead.
What are you really working toward, Pisces? This week, focus on defining your career aspirations. If you can take your eyes off the ground for a moment, you may see an opportunity to shoot for the stars. Once you've got a clearer picture of what you want, the list of steps you need to take to get there could start to feel overwhelming. Don't hesitate to seek out feedback from colleagues, mentors and friends, and do your best to avoid listening to nay-sayers — especially midweek. Getting support from the people in your corner will help you move forward with certainty.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.