Your horoscope for the week ahead: Enormous shifts are in store as the final lunar eclipse of 2024 arrives
This powerful lunation will urge you to let go of what’s no longer working in your life

Gather your courage. Enormous shifts could be headed your way this week, especially as the final lunar eclipse of 2024 arrives on Tuesday. Lunar eclipses often encourage us to let go of what's no longer working in our lives, so take advantage of this powerful lunation to say goodbye to any habits, ideas or people that no longer fit in your world. Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew in the process; the sun and moon will also square expansive Jupiter in impulsive Gemini on this day, which could make it more likely for us to get swept up in our emotions.
Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox when the spirit-driving sun trines unpredictable Uranus on Thursday, as you won't want to miss out on the invitations that are headed your way. This will be a wonderful day to break out of your comfort zone, embrace happy accidents and have fun. Enjoy mixing things up with new friends and acquaintances, and seeing where you end up.
Then, avoid taking on anything too ambitious when the ego-ruling sun in hard-working Virgo opposes escapist Neptune in flaky Pisces on Friday. We tend to become quite noncommittal under this aspect, which can make it difficult to work with others or agree on plans. Protect your peace by focusing on your current obligations during this period.
Your mind could start to spin with exciting ideas as intellectual Mercury in proactive Virgo squares abundant Jupiter in energetic Gemini on Saturday. But while this aspect can be exhilarating, processing this influx of new information might also get overwhelming. Be wary of overpromising or starting anything new under this influence. Instead, harness your motivation to tackle pressing tasks that require your attention.
On Sunday, we'll welcome the fall equinox, when the length of daylight and darkness come into near perfect balance. The first day of fall also marks the beginning of Libra season, which encourages us to flex our social skills and be more cooperative with others. While the ego-ruling sun moves through the cardinal air sign, prioritize communication and negotiation as you work to establish more balance in your relationships. Just don't forget to tend to your own needs — neglecting your feelings now could lead to passive-aggression or conflict down the line.
Finally, you could start to crave more intensity in your connections once relationship-ruling Venus enters passionate Scorpio later on Sunday. As the planet of love and beauty travels through the fixed water sign, we're driven to seek out more depth and mystery in our bonds. Take these next few weeks to read between the lines, approach your interactions with increased sensitivity and find renewed appreciation for the people around you. If you're single, this could also be a beautiful opportunity to link up with someone who really matches your energy. Fireworks are possible if you're willing to take a leap of faith.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 16, 2024.
Have you been paying attention to your inner voice, Aries? If you take a second to really tune in to your needs this week, you may feel the push to reinvest in your emotional and physical well-being. Resist any urge you have to overextend yourself during this period, and try to focus on rest and reflection instead. Doing an audit of where you've been spending your time and energy might help you identify some commitments you're ready to let go of. Then, as Libra season kicks off later in the week, you could start to feel more in touch with your playful side. Harness this spirit to enrich your world with new people and perspectives.
Your social world is rich with inspiration, Taurus. And this week, you may find that spending time with your friends illuminates ways that you can give back to your community and help make the world a better place. But in order to follow your higher calling, you'll first need to distance yourself from the people or activities that sap your energy. Then, if your domestic to-do list has been piling up as of late, this Libra season could provide you with the perfect opportunity to do a big overhaul of your space. By cleansing your home of the things you no longer need, you'll have even more room to thrive.
Have you been feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated at work lately, Gemini? You could suddenly find yourself back in the career spotlight this week. Remember to be wise with your words and act with integrity, as you could be in a prime position to qualify for a promotion or raise. Then, on the weekend, you'll be in the mood to set your professional responsibilities aside and enter a delightful new phase of creativity and wonder. From now through the next few weeks of Libra season, hobbies, parties and romantic affairs could start to fill your world — don't hesitate to be spontaneous and let your imagination lead the way.
Prepare to release yourself from outdated ways of thinking, Cancer. This week will be a beautiful time to spread your wings, explore new territory and take in fresh information. Be sure to pay close attention to conversations surrounding money during this period, as these insights could help inform where you focus your energy next. Then, as Libra season kicks off, you may notice yourself starting to take more pride in your surroundings and feeling motivated to invest in them. Perhaps it's the right moment to upgrade your furniture or declutter — just remember to check in with your loved ones or roommates before you alter any shared spaces.
Have you been craving more excitement and passion in your life, Leo? This week, take a second to really listen to your inner voice and meditate on what you desire. It's possible that subtle transformations are already taking place; consider how your connections to others might help fuel your evolution. Then, as Libra season arrives this weekend, your social world could start to swirl with activity. You may even find that your neighbours and friends have a much larger presence in your day-to-day activities from now through the next few weeks — just don't forget to take some quiet moments to yourself to protect your energy.
Have you been spreading yourself too thin lately, Virgo? Feeling overwhelmed or exhausted can be a sign that you need to take a temporary step back from some of your commitments. So this week, you're encouraged to carve out as much time as you require to really relax and recalibrate. As you do, you may also want to spend a few moments reflecting on your true priorities — it could help you figure out how to redirect your energy toward activities that bolster your mood and ignite your ambition. Then, as Libra season arrives, your finances could start to steal your attention; use this renewed sense of focus to spin up new strategies for generating income.
Lighten your load, Libra. If you find yourself dealing with a particularly stacked task list this week, try not to get disheartened. Instead, give yourself permission to say "no" to the next person who asks for your assistance. Once you've taken some time to refill your emotional reserves, you'll be ready to return to your buoyant self again. On the weekend, enjoy soaking up the spotlight as your astrological season begins. From now through the next few weeks, your confidence is sure to be magnetic; take advantage of this moment to share your ideas, spend extra time on your appearance and invite new opportunities into your life.
Have you been working on a passion project that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, Scorpio? This week could be a wonderful time to cut ties with any creative endeavours that are stuck at square one and allow yourself to explore alternatives. Seize this chance to flex your artistic abilities and explore different parts of your brain. Who knows? You could end up surprising yourself. Meanwhile, on the career front, you may find that reviewing your past accomplishments and where your ambitions have led you gives you real clarity on where you'd like to go next.
Is something weighing you down, Sagittarius? This week, you're encouraged to let go of anything that's burdening you, emotionally or physically. This could be as simple as cleaning out some of the clutter in your home or addressing something with your loved ones that's been left unsaid. No matter what you're facing, you'll be happy to no longer carry this load. Then, as Libra season kicks off over the weekend, friends could start to make more appearances in your life. Enjoy reconnecting with your favourite people and taking the initiative to plan gatherings that everyone can look forward to.
Have you been struggling to connect with others lately, Capricorn? In order to get your message across, you may need to make some slight adjustments to how you communicate. Taking a more direct approach could help you find clarity and success — especially when it comes to your romantic relationships. Then, as Libra season kicks off, your star could start to shine extra bright at work, giving you a chance to really expand your influence. Use this time to polish up your public image and network with people in your professional orbit. You may even find that these conversations provide exciting opportunities to take advantage of.
Has your glass looked half empty lately, Aquarius? This week, do your best to leave that defeatist attitude in the dust and stop punishing yourself for past mistakes. If you've been dealing with some financial setbacks, perhaps you'll find that re-evaluating your earning potential gives you a new perspective, enabling you to seize fresh opportunities for financial growth. Once you've adjusted your outlook, you could find yourself in the mood to embark on an adventure this weekend. Whether you've got a dream destination in mind or prefer to stay close to home, don't miss this chance to reconnect with your sense of wonder.
Your softness is not a weakness, Pisces. But if you feel like others are trying to dim your light this week, you may want to try stepping into your power and taking up just a bit more space. This might mean enforcing some new boundaries with people who attempt to overshadow you. Don't hesitate to carve out more room for yourself to really solidify your confidence. Then, as Libra season kicks off, you could be headed for a major metamorphosis. Creating balance in your schedule and wellness routines will be key as you navigate this period of self-discovery over the next few weeks.