Your horoscope for the week ahead: It's time to establish more balance in your relationships
Then, remember to protect your heart during a passionate Venus-Pluto trine mid-week

Ready to hit the ground running? On Monday, when the habit-driving moon wanes into her third quarter in lively Gemini, we'll be motivated to attack our goals with a renewed sense of focus. Take advantage of this lunation's intense energy to make steady progress on your existing projects and plot out your next move; this is not an ideal time to start something new.
It could feel as though romance is waiting around every corner when affectionate Venus in doting Virgo trines eccentric Uranus in warmhearted Taurus on Tuesday. If you're single, it'll be a wonderful day to mix and mingle with people who excite you; you may even feel inspired to make the first move with someone you wouldn't usually go for. No matter your romantic status, don't hesitate to embrace your quirks during this aspect — doing so can help make room for love to grow.
On Wednesday, communication-ruling Mercury will station direct in courageous Leo, ending his three-week retrograde cycle. Our confidence will soar as the messenger planet begins moving forward again, empowering us to shift the conversation and speak up for what we believe in. Just remember to triple-check anything you put in writing until Mercury completes his post-retrograde shadow period on Sept. 11.
If you've been hearing the words "demure," "mindful" and "cutesy" a lot lately, you already have an idea of what Venus's transit through idealistic Libra might be like. On Thursday, the planet of love and beauty will enter the cardinal air sign, encouraging us to brush up on our manners and approach our relationships with a more delicate touch. Use the next three weeks of this transit to find compromises, negotiate with fairness and establish more balance within your connections.
Charismatic Venus will also trine revolutionary Pluto on Thursday, which could create a passionate energy that's particularly intoxicating to singles. Stolen glances could easily snowball into an exciting romance under this influence, so don't forget to protect your heart — especially if you find yourself getting swept up in your emotions.
Then, prepare to bid farewell to an era filled with materialism and power struggles on Sunday, when transformative Pluto dips back into industrious Capricorn for the final time in our lives. From now until Nov. 19, the planet of rebirth will inhabit the cardinal earth sign, urging us to reflect on the most valuable lessons we've learned since 2008 when the transit first began. Harness the next three months to really examine what's changed and carefully consider how you'd like to move forward as part of the collective.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, August 26, 2024.
Do you need a little space, Aries? This week, you'll be wise to carve out some time in your schedule to review your to-do list away from others and their watchful eyes. Take this moment to strategize how you might tackle any tasks that you've been overlooking as of late. You'll feel re-centred once you've created an action plan that makes sense. Then, your relationships could start to steal your focus mid-week, inspiring you to invite the people you care about deeper into your world. Single rams may also feel more driven than usual to put effort into creating romantic connections. Don't hesitate to take a chance on love and see where it leads you.
Your creative juices will be flowing this week, Taurus. So don't be afraid to let your eyes wander as you navigate the world — even the simplest elements of your surroundings could be rich with inspiration. Brainstorming with people you look up to could also be a great way to make the most of this energy; perhaps you'll even cook up an exciting new project together. Meanwhile, if you've been mulling over how to make certain home improvements work with your budget, you could finally have a financial breakthrough. While you may not be able to get everything you want right away, you can take comfort in knowing that your space is a work in progress.
Perfection is impossible, Gemini. Be sure to keep that in mind this week, especially if you feel tempted to criticize yourself over your work-life balance. It may be easier than usual to fall prey to negative thought spirals and fears of failure, so try to give yourself grace and remember that you are not your mistakes. Accepting that life always requires little adjustments will allow you to be kinder to yourself. As you navigate this week's challenges, you may also find it helpful to talk out your feelings with people in your support system. Your loved ones will be eager to offer a helping hand — but you have to be willing to ask for their assistance.
Protect your curiosity, Cancer. If you find your mind swirling with unconventional ideas this week, don't be afraid to set aside time to nurture your imagination in solitude. Your friends and family may not understand your creative process, but try not to let their opinions get in the way. This is a beautiful moment to reconnect with your inner voice and think about what you'd like to create away from a watchful audience. Meanwhile, your domestic world could begin to take priority from now through the next three weeks. Use your keen eye for detail to spot things you'd like to improve in your space — you'll be in a prime position to make some exciting changes.
What do you really want to achieve, Leo? If you feel driven to explore intriguing new possibilities for your career this week, you may find it helpful to consider this question first. You'll be in the ideal position to marry your creative pursuits with your professional goals during this time, so don't hesitate to pour all of your energy into your ideas. Meanwhile, your financial confidence could begin to soar, motivating you to map out a solid budget and strategize how you'd like to make the most of your resources moving forward. Just try not to lose steam too quickly; being smart with your money requires focus and restraint over time.
Challenge yourself to break free from your usual routines, Virgo. At the beginning of this week, you'll be called to shake up your schedule by experimenting with activities that'll help to optimize your well-being. You may even find that starting with something small, such as a morning walk, allows you to access a powerful new mindset. Meanwhile, on the professional front, this will be a great moment to refresh your resumé, reflect on past experiences and evaluate what you really want to do with your time moving forward. Perhaps you'll even feel inspired to revisit certain creative ideas that you previously put on the back burner.
You can't make everyone happy, Libra. Keeping this in mind could help you give yourself more grace as you focus your attention on your own responsibilities this week. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, scaling back your time and availability to others is sure to bring you more peace long-term. You may even find that tending to your own needs and desires brings you a type of satisfaction that others can't match. Then, once you've solidified your boundaries, you'll be in the mood to reconnect with your loved ones and tap back into your supernatural ability to make everyone else feel at ease.
Are you ready to mix things up, Scorpio? Your friends and family could come together in unexpected ways early this week, encouraging you to introduce these separate groups. If you're single, this sociable energy might even inspire you to strike up a connection with someone who's previously been on the sidelines of your life. Not interested in romance? Harness this momentum to organize a get-together that ties up the summer season in style. Then, mid-week, you may feel tempted to take a trip down memory lane that reminds you of an old flame. Try to avoid getting lost in the past and focus your energy on enjoying the present with the people you love.
Don't be afraid to pad your schedule this week, Sagittarius. You may need a little more time than usual to accomplish everything on your to-do list, and giving yourself some extra breathing room will help calm your nerves as you work to get it all done. Asking your loved ones for assistance won't hurt either, as you may need a little reinforcement to power through your responsibilities. Starting mid-week, your social circle could also become an even bigger part of your world, encouraging you to make plans with friends centred around your shared activities and hobbies. Enjoy connecting with the people — and practices — that light you up from within.
You never know what might stick, Capricorn. So don't be afraid to put forth your wildest creative ideas at work this week. If your suggestions are too "out there" for your workplace, perhaps you'll want to explore a different arena where it might thrive. Don't let any momentary rejection lead you to underestimate your talents — you could be on the verge of creating something truly unique. You may also notice your professional influence beginning to grow from now through the next three weeks. This could give you a powerful opportunity to push some of your personal projects forward — just be sure to choose your battles wisely along the way.
If you can imagine it, you can do it, Aquarius. So this week, take a second to really think about how you'd like to elevate your space. This will be an excellent moment to assess your income and assets to determine what's doable. If you've got particularly ambitious goals, you may even be able to harness your analytical mind to identify money-saving solutions that'll help you manifest the home of your dreams. If home improvement isn't on your mind, this could also be an ideal time to channel your energy toward planning a trip with the people you love most. Start a conversation about dream destinations and see what appeals to the group.
Stick to your vision, Pisces. If you've been working toward a particular creative goal lately, you may feel tempted to explore a few distractions this week. But instead of abandoning your progress altogether, try to jot down any new ideas that strike you so that you can return to them later. The finished product will feel much more rewarding if you can maintain your focus. Come mid-week, you may want to take some time to yourself, as your gentle spirit will likely need more protection than usual. Use these quiet moments to invest in activities that uplift you. Making art, listening to music and spending time in nature can all be beautiful ways to find peace.