Your horoscope for the week ahead: Slow down to focus on what truly matters
Then, don’t be afraid to dish out praise mid-week — compliments will get you everywhere

The skies will be quieter than usual this week, with just a couple notable astrological events on the horizon. Take this as an opportunity to slow down and focus on what truly matters. You may feel a little more unsure of yourself than usual with speedy Mercury now travelling retrograde through perfectionist Virgo. Still, try not to second-guess your decisions or let your fear of making mistakes hold you back from what you want.
Your mood — and ego — could receive a much-needed boost when the spirit-driving sun in confident Leo sextiles lucky Jupiter in optimistic Gemini on Wednesday. This aspect is known to make our personalities shine, allowing our interactions with others to flow more easily. It could also be a beautiful moment to devote your energy to projects that show off your skills. Who knows? They may even end up proving lucrative in the long run.
Later on Wednesday, communication-ruling Mercury will conjunct relationship-steering Venus in meticulous Virgo. We're often able to express our desires with more clarity and passion under this influence, making it a fantastic time for collaboration and showing people how much we care. If you're single, you may even receive some unexpected adoration that inspires you to test the waters with someone new. No matter your romantic status, don't be afraid to dish out praise; compliments will get you everywhere today.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, August 5, 2024.
You've got plenty of big ideas, Aries. But are you really ready to share them with the world? This week, set aside some time to discuss your passions with the people who inspire you. You could receive some particularly useful feedback from these conversations that allows you to streamline your vision before you go public with your creative goals. Don't hesitate to put these pearls of wisdom into practice. Meanwhile, if you think you'll need to restructure your day-to-day schedule in order to truly prioritize certain projects, this will also be an ideal moment to begin making adjustments.
Have you been mulling over various ideas for improving your home, Taurus? This week will be a beautiful time to really experiment with your options. Just be sure to weigh your budget with your schedule so you can determine what's actually doable; you may have to take certain items off your wishlist for now. If you live with others, you'll also want to speak with them about what you'd like to accomplish to ensure that everyone's on the same page before you get started. Then, once you've put in the work, take the opportunity to treat yourself to something special that'll help you feel your best.
You're a light, Gemini. And this week, your shimmering personality and expressive nature will be on full display, helping you bring joy to just about everyone you encounter. If you're looking for romance, this could be the perfect moment to take a leap of faith and make the first move with someone special. Single Geminis may even encounter a new potential love interest in their neighbourhood or social circle. Meanwhile, you could find your focus starting to shift toward domestic issues. As family, home upkeep, DIY projects and more fill your mind, try to focus on areas where you can make simple changes that'll elevate your mood.
Have you been feeling stuck lately, Cancer? This week, you could have an epiphany about your behaviour that encourages you to make a concrete change. If you find yourself struggling with how to get started, talking with people who have your best interests at heart could guide you toward healthier habits. While it may prove difficult at first, remember that choosing to end this negative pattern will help to boost your self-confidence and likely save you money in the long run. You may even find that taking action invigorates you, inspiring you to continue making empowering adjustments to your life.
Don't hesitate to surround yourself with your own personal cheering squad, Leo. Your nearest and dearest will be particularly eager to hype you up this week, and spending time with them could help to recharge your emotional batteries in a major way. You may even find that relaxing with your favourite people gets your wheels turning about a brand new business idea. Whether you're looking to harness your unique skills to amplify your earnings or end up considering a different professional path altogether, this will be a wonderful moment to really explore all of your options.
Can you unburden yourself a little, Virgo? This week, you're encouraged to use your analytical mind to determine how you can trim down your to-do list at home. If you live with others, delegating certain tasks to them could help free up more time for you to focus on different things. People will likely be happy to pitch in if you ask them directly. Then, once you've cleared some things off your plate, you'll be ready to shift your attention toward your professional ambitions. Seize this moment to express your passions, show off your expertise and make a big splash at work.
Your friends want to see you flourish, Libra. So don't be afraid to gather them for a social outing this week. Engaging in stimulating conversations where you can share your ideas and nurture your curiosity could allow you to reconnect with your confidence in a big way. You may even find that your favourite people are able to open your eyes to opportunities that you wouldn't otherwise have considered. Before you commit to any particular path, just make sure to give yourself a chance to really absorb what you've learned. You'll know what to do once you've checked in with your inner voice.
Do you need a little assistance getting your latest project off the ground, Scorpio? This week will be an excellent time to seek help from within your professional network. Be ready to share your vision with people who can match your intensity; you could be on the precipice of achieving a major career goal if you link up with the right person. Meanwhile, when it comes to romance, single Scorpios could end up making a love connection with someone in their social circle. If you've had your eye on a friend, you may feel driven to express your true feelings. Conversely, someone could come out of the woodwork to confess their affection for you.
Eager to explore fresh opportunities for travel, education and mind-expansion, Sagittarius? You may find it helpful to bounce your ideas off of someone you trust this week. Perhaps you'll decide that inviting some friends to join you on an adventure is exactly what you need to sate your wild spirit. Just ensure that your companions are truly on board with your plans before you break out your wallet. Meanwhile, as you nurture your daring side, you could notice your mind drifting toward your next professional move. If you identify an idea that you think is worth investing in, survey the possibilities and see where you end up.
Don't hesitate to protect your peace, Capricorn. If you've been navigating conflicts and challenges with the people in your life as of late, this week will be an ideal moment to implement some boundaries. You may even find that scaling back your commitments has a powerful impact on your overall happiness and satisfaction. Write down any changes you'd like to make so that you can start taking action. Then, once you've reclaimed some of your time and energy, you could feel drawn to pour yourself back into your career. Harness this opportunity to sharpen your skills and explore interests that'll fuel your professional journey.
Ready to soak up the sunshine, Aquarius? This week is the perfect time to gather your favourite people for some summer plans that everyone can look forward to. If you're in a relationship, you may want to surprise your partner with a romantic day trip or mini-excursion close to home. No matter who you're with, blowing off a little steam is sure to help refresh your spirit. Perhaps you'll even feel motivated to take care of certain financial matters that you previously put on the back burner. Take advantage of this momentum to review your assets and resolve any outstanding debts.
You're known for being a go-getter, Pisces. But this week, you may find yourself ticking tasks off your to-do list even more quickly than usual. Use your amplified efficiency to adjust how you operate at work so that you can spend more time relaxing with your loved ones at home. When it comes to your relationships, expressing your affection for your nearest and dearest could also come more easily during this period. If you're partnered, this could be a beautiful chance to open up a discussion about where you'd like to see your relationship grow. Meanwhile, single Pisces can channel their energy toward finding partners who'll match their emotional maturity.