Doppelgängers: Face to Face
Coming to CBC Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. (8:30 NT)

Seeing your doppelgänger was once considered a very bad omen but today, millions of people around the world are actively looking for their "twin stranger." They are posting selfies in online groups, scouring the walls of museums and using facial recognition software, all in the hopes of finding someone who's not a relative but who looks "just like them."
So what happens when these "twin strangers" come face-to-face?
Doppelgängers: Face to Face follows the journeys of six seemingly singular characters with strong personalities, interesting passions and unique life stories — all of whom are about to meet their second self.
Nathaniël Siri and Edward Toledo have a lot in common. Most strikingly, they could pass as identical twins, but the similarities don't end there. Both grew up as only children, they're both dancers, and their birthdays are only four days apart. Even more curious, Nathaniël is Quebeçois and Edward is from El Salvador, so their physical similarities are crossing international borders.
Sheena Hennink is a Métis entrepreneur from Alberta. A Facebook hunt helped her to find Desirée Roson, a Choktaw farmer from Oklahoma. Both are very busy young mothers. Their similarities in their home lives as well as their appearance is incredible. Even their families agree that they look like they could be sisters.
TikTok influencer Kiki Monique lives in Los Angeles and has a very unique look. Up until a few months ago, she had never been told she resembled anyone else. But the internet makes the world a very small place and her followers managed to track down Elaine, an Instagrammer and makeup artist in Dublin, Ireland who appears to have "joint custody" of Kiki's face.
What's driving this doppelgänger phenomenon? Are we on a search for something that's more than skin deep? Do we imagine a twin who reminds us of the best parts of ourselves or gives us a glimpse into a different life we could have led?
Nathaniël and Edward, Sheena and Desirée, and Kiki and Elaine are about to come face-to-face with their unrelated lookalike and confront not only their reflection but also their deepest desires for human connection.