Man 'totally gets it' because his sister's ex-husband's new neighbour's co-worker also a queer woman of colour

EDMONTON, AB—Nick Scout, 35, claims to know a thing or two about queer women of colour because the new neighbour of his sister's recently divorced ex-husband happens to work with one.
Scout met Meghan Reilly, 27, a few months ago at the Starbucks where she worked, and quickly become infatuated with her "story".
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"I got to talking with Meghan about what her life is like as a bisexual Latina woman over the triple Venti soy no foam latte she made me during one of her shifts, and I learned so much in that short time. Now I totally understand now how brutal all of this Trump stuff must be for people like her," explains Scout, adjusting his Beats By Dre headphones.
"I'm just really good at putting myself in other people's shoes, you know? I totally feel for her as a minority in so many senses, just from talking with her. I also read a HuffPo article about her people once and now I know literally everything."
Since then, Scout, a receptionist at a sound equipment company and proud beard owner, not only sympathizes with the endeavours of queer women of colour, he thoroughly enjoys explaining their struggles to anyone around, especially on social media. As a white man, Scout says the thought doesn't even cross his mind that he should perhaps just shut the hell up in every respect.
A self-proclaimed "proud male feminist," Scout's social media is littered with articles and memes supporting queer women and women of colour. In addition to posting himself, he frequently comments on these women's posts. Typical comments include "You Go Girl!" or "#STILLREAL" or just a black fist emoji, not adding anything to the conversation but gently reminding his followers that he's there, and he really gets it.
When questioned about her recent interactions with Scout, Reilly states, "Oh, you're talking about…crumb beard? The guy who always has crumbs in his beard? Yeah, I remember him. He comes in a few times a week. He asked me about the "Future is Female" shirt I was wearing on laundry day, and it's actually my girlfriend's. But I didn't want to get in trouble for not keeping to the dress code, so I gave him a free drink. That dude is super strange. He really needs to trim that beard."
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