Tourist checks out hotel bar to really get feel for city

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN—As 33-year-old Jim Lowe sits at the Elephant & Castle in the Stockholm Marriott, he becomes overwhelmed by acute culture shock. "So this is what Sweden is like," observes Lowe. "I never knew the locals were so into faux-English pubs and looked exactly like me."
Thanks to his job as a Dyson vacuum educator, Lowe travels all around the world, teaching others about how much Dyson sucks.
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When he travels, Lowe feels it's important to interact with residents in their natural surroundings. "To fully appreciate a country, you need to see its locals and embrace them in conversation," explains Lowe. "The best place to find locals, in my experience, is usually an upscale hotel bar located in a tourist-heavy area."
As Lowe sits at the hotel bar armed with his copy of How to Order Bud Light in 32 Languages, he feels a bit hungry, so he snaps his fingers at the waitress to place his food order. "It's crucial to try the local cuisine when you travel. It's the only way you get a feel for the soul of a nation," explains Lowe. "It's so crazy how every country's soul includes burgers and nachos."
Lowe says he's not one for big tourist attractions when he travels. "When I went to Paris last year, the Eiffel Tower didn't interest me," says Lowe. "I'd rather stay in, like a local would, and see what France's Netflix has to offer."
Over the years, Lowe says he hasn't accumulated too many photos from his travels. "I stopped when I realized that all countries look exactly like American bars," notes Lowe. "And most of the locals seem to dress exclusively in hotel uniforms."
With all of the time spent abroad, Lowe says he can't wait to return home. He explains, "There's something satisfying about having a Bud Light at your own local hotel bar."
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