A few notes about our wedding hashtag

Dear Valued Wedding Guest,
We wanted to say how thrilled we are that you will be joining us on our wedding day! And we want to inform you of a few guidelines related to our wedding hashtag. You see, we are not hiring a wedding photographer. We are a modern couple! After many hours of discussion and debate we have settled on a suite of hashtags to be used for the tweets, messages and especially photos you post to social media during our wedding weekend. Our main hashtag, which we humbly request that you use on everything you publish, is #OliviaAndJohn4ever. Other acceptable photo hashtags, which should be used in addition to our main tag are:
Also, instead of having a physical guestbook to write in, we came up with a contemporary and creative new approach for you to offer your hopes and dreams for us in our new life together. Simply tweet your message or post it on our Facebook page using the hashtag #OliviaAndJohnBestWishes. Remember to keep your text fairly concise and extremely poetic. If you don't have a Twitter account, you should. By the way, tweeting from inside the church is totally allowed—don't let Father Brian tell you otherwise. We cleared it with Bishop O'Neill.
Let's talk cameras for a second. If your digital device takes photos that are under five megapixels, please refrain from using any of our hashtags at all. In fact, we suggest you leave your camera in its case and just enjoy the ceremony and cash bar, a portion of which goes towards helping us pay off our new kayak.
Do not use your flash—John's skin is too pale. Only take shots of Olivia in profile from the left side of her face. If you're using Instagram, which you better be, stick with our preferred filter: Perpetua. For the love of God, not Hefe.
We thank you so much in advance for attending our upcoming nuptials and sharing your love and best wishes and JPEGs with us. If you wouldn't mind signing the release on the following page, then scanning and emailing it back to our wedding email account, we would truly appreciate it. It is simply a standard contract that irrevocably assigns to us all legal rights to print, re-post, duplicate, alter, sell or use the images or statements on media such as greeting cards in perpetuity.
With love and gratitude,
Olivia and John
P.S. Can't wait to see you! Also remember to please, please have the source of light behind you for all photos.