Country living is the best and you should totally visit us. Please? PLEASE???

Oh, hey! Hey, it's us! Yeah, long time, great to speak to you! Just calling 'cuz it's been a while since we moved away. Thought we'd catch up. Yeah, we're doing great, REALLY great, yeah, thanks for asking. Leaving the city for all this country living has been, well, it's great. The air is so, SO clean and you know, GREAT. We're outdoors all the time! Yeah, you should really come out.
I know, it seems like a long way, but you'll be thankful once you see the sunset and smell the clean fresh air, and hey, we can show you our shed. It's SO cute. We built it ourselves. We'll tell you all about it! We took photos of every step, and we can talk about that for hours. Yeah, you should come out, why not this weekend? We'll come pick you up at the train station, drive you the two hours north, and you can stay in our spare room. We'll have a heck of a time!
Yep, we say "heck" out here a lot. And "youbetcha." It's so QUAINT! You wouldn't believe how long you can go before you hear a swear word from someone. Or any words, really. Oh, did I mention the birds? They sound so sweet! Yeah, there's no getting chased out of bed at 7 a.m. by loud traffic, or road crews or construction noises out here! No, the beautiful, sweet, symphony of bird song starts at 5 in the morning and never really stops. Never, ever stops. You should come, listen to them, there are SO many birds. So. Many. Birds.
You know what? Why stay just the weekend? Heck, make it a week! Hey, there's that word again. I guess we're becoming country folk now, and I mean, that's what's happening to us! Why wouldn't you visit? It's so peaceful. Nothing to distract you. There's just...nothing at all to come between you and your thoughts!
Oh, and the land! You won't believe how much land you can get! Yeah, we had what, a one-bedroom condo in Toronto? Out here we have so much room you barely see another soul. You can walk for, like, hours and never see your neighbours. Sometimes, ha, sometimes, hahahaha we can go weeks without seeing anyone. At all. WEEKS! You can't get THAT in the city, with your theatres and crowds of people all talking to each other, and listening to so many types of music, and going to Thai restaurants.
I mean, who needs that? And anyway, come on out, we'll show you the chickens we're raising and OH, Clara (she's the saucy one who lays spotted eggs) did the cutest thing, and you can tell us all about what it's like having other people to talk to.
We'll show you our garden! The vegetables are so fresh. The secret is that we've learned to talk to them. For HOURS. They LOVE that, except for the radishes but they're stuck up. HECK with them, am I right?
THERE'S THAT WORD AGAIN! I mean, WHO HAVE WE BECOME, right? ANYWAY, come on out! There's really no excuse not to! It's not like you're doing anything. It's not like we're just sitting outside your house in our car. Your bags and dog are already inside…waiting. With us.
Come on out, you'll have a great time. Youbetcha!
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