10 ways Friends has not aged well

The '90s hit show Friends has seen a resurgence in popularity since it began streaming on Netflix, but it's hard not to notice the show hasn't aged all that well in some ways. Here are some of the more egregious examples.
When Rachel broke up with Ross because he was bad at Devil Sticks
Re-watching this story arc, you get the sense that the writers may have overestimated the long-lasting cultural impact that Devil Sticks would have on our daily lives.
Joey invented email, and was laughed out of the room by the other Friends
Remember in Season 1 when Joey pointed at Ross's 1994 Macintosh computer and said "instead of gettin' mail from da mailman, I t'ink one day we'll get mail from dat box"? Then all the other Friends pointed and laughed and called him an oaf? Yikes.
Everyone at Monica and Chandler's wedding was wearing a backwards Kangol hat
Backwards Kangol hats were certainly a hot look in the '90s, but some feel the Friends may have overdone the trend when every single person at Monica and Chandler's wedding was wearing one (including the ushers, both bridal parties, the bride, the groom, and the priest).
The episode when the Friends hit the town with guest stars Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, Robert Blake, Phil Spector and Donald Trump
Some guest star episodes have aged quite nicely (the ones with Paul Rudd, or Brad Pitt for example). This one unfortunately, has not.
Gunter says he believes in climate change, and the Friends yell at him to shut up
We weren't as aware of climate change back then, but even so, this felt a bit extreme. It was made worse when, later in the episode, each of the six Friends bought their own Hummer and competed with each other to see who could burn the most gas.
Joey has sexual intercourse with a trifle
When Joey first fell in love with the idea of a trifle, it was very funny. But when they tried to revisit this beat in a later season, it feels like they just took it one step too far.
Richard talking to Monica about how great the NRA is
Monica dating her dad's friend was off-putting enough, but the Richard character became truly insufferable once he started repeated NRA talking points. Bad!
When Marcel spilled grape juice on Monica's blouse, prompting the Friends to reconsider their belief in evolution
We all felt bad for Monica when Marcel the monkey spilled a pitcher of grape juice on her beautiful new white dress. But this felt like an overreaction, especially since Ross was a paleontologist. This may have been the scene that sparked our current anti-science climate.
Ross and Phoebe kept forgetting about all those kids they had
Despite the fact that this was almost never referenced in later seasons, Ross was the father of twins and Phoebe did give birth to triplets. I understand that they were written out of the show, but it was odd how Ross and Phoebe would just say "I don't know what you're talking about" whenever they were asked about their kids' existence.
Rachel's suspicious Smartwater plugs
In retrospect, it was odd how Rachel used to randomly bring up how she wished she could buy a bottled water that "removed its impurities through vaporization, but added mineral electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. Almost like a smart...water". Hm. How long has she been on your payroll, Glaceau??
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