Marcello Di Cintio to join 2022 CBC Nonfiction Prize jury

Marcello Di Cintio is joining Sharon Butala and Jenna Butler to judge the 2022 CBC Nonfiction Prize.
The Calgary writer is the author of five books of creative nonfiction, including Walls: Travels Along the Barricades, which won the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing in 2012, and Pay No Heed to the Rockets: Palestine in the Present Tense, winner of the W. O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize.
Di Cintio's writing has also appeared in publications such as The Walrus, Canadian Geographic, The Globe and Mail and Afar.
Di Cintio has served as a writer-in-residence at the Calgary Public Library, the University of Calgary and the Palestine Writing Workshop. Di Cintio's newest book is Driven: The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers, which CBC Books named one of the best Canadian nonfiction books of 2021 and was on the 2022 Canada Reads longlist.
Di Cintio joins this year's jury alongside Butala, the Saskatchewan author of 21 novels and nonfiction books, including The Perfection of the Morning, Where I Live Now and Wild Rose; and Butler, the Alberta writer, environmentalist and professor who has written six books, most recently a collection of essays titled Revery: A Year of Bees, which was shortlisted for the 2021 Governor General's Literary Award for Nonfiction.
Tomson Highway, who CBC Books previously announced would be on the 2022 CBC Nonfiction Prize jury, has had to withdraw from his role as a juror.
"I have had to withdraw my name from the jury for the 2022 CBC Nonfiction Prize for medical reasons," Highway said. "It seems I have developed an eye ailment that requires a series of surgeries — surgeries that have caused partial visual impairment for me.... [It] has seriously impacted my reading capacities, [such as the] huge amounts of reading that a jury such as this entails.
"Wish me well on my journey to recovery because, once that has happened, I will be back to contribute to another jury at another time."
The 2022 CBC Nonfiction Prize longlist will be announced in the early fall, and the 2023 CBC Nonfiction Prize will be opening for submissions in January 2023.