
Dive in: This illustrator is about to school you on the sea-rious art of drawing fish

Paul Vecsei is a fish biologist whose study of the species has taken an artistic turn. Meet the marine scholar and find out why he does what he does.

Paul Vecsei is a fish biologist whose study of the species has taken an artistic turn

Dive in: This illustrator is about to school you on the sea-rious art of drawing fish

8 years ago
Duration 3:23
Paul Vecsei is a fish biologist whose study of the species has taken an artistic turn.

As a scientific illustrator, Paul Vecsei is not alone. Documenting the characteristics of flora and fauna is a centuries-old tradition (think Charles Darwin or even Leonardo da Vinci). But in the digital age, it might be a bit less common to see an artist labouring for hours over a photograph or drawing of a single creature. Vecsei is a biologist and illustrator devoted to his craft, spending his time under the water photographing fish with his precise eye and his time on land meticulously rendering them in the studio.

But Vecsei is not trying to make an ecological point — he's actually maintaining a scientific distance from his subjects. The illustrator says, "My interests are to describe diversity in our fish fauna...I'm merely a transfer of information, one stage of what's out there."

(CBC Arts)

In this video, you'll meet the scholar of fish and find out why he insists he's not an artist — and why we kind of think he is anyway.

See some of Paul Vescei's photographs of the fish world here.

Watch Exhibitionists on Friday nights at 12:30am (1am NT) and Sundays at 3:30pm (4pm NT) on CBC Television.