When New Brunswick got a metre of snow instead of an early spring
The National's Peter Mansbridge told viewers that winter had dealt "another wallop to the Maritimes."
But that might have been under-selling it if you lived in New Brunswick in mid-March of 1999.
At that point, New Brunswick had been hit with repeated snowstorms over a 10-day period, which left a metre of snow on the ground in some parts of the province.
And the images of Bathurst, N.B., shown on The National on March 16, 1999, looked like they came straight out of January or February — and surely not just a few days before the official start of spring.

"Driving conditions were poor, visibility non-existent," said Mansbridge, who also noted that winds had whipped around at 110 km/h that day.
There was a silver lining amid the last-minute shenanigans that Old Man Winter had brought to New Brunswick, however.
"The storm is expected to blow over by tomorrow," Mansbridge said.