How a U-boat periscope ended up inside a N.L. club
Periscope was taken from German vessel that surrendered to naval forces at war's end
When used, the periscope would give someone a good look at the St. John's harbour.
But in this case, that perspective would be viewed from above the ground, as opposed to from under the water.
In 1980, CBC's The National featured a brief item on the periscope that had come from a captured U-boat, which had long been in Allied hands after the vessel and its crew surrendered at the end of the Second World War.
The German vessel was later scuttled, but the periscope was removed before that happened.
"The periscope was repaired in Halifax and is now in a private club for commissioned naval officers, providing members with a bird's-eye view of the harbour," the CBC's Knowlton Nash told viewers on Feb. 6, 1980.
The club he referred to was the Crow's Nest Officers' Club, which is still in operation in St. John's. The periscope is still there, too.