Becoming Canadian

For Andrei Antonenko, becoming a Canadian meant rethinking his relationship with police

Andrei Antonenko, who was born in Ukraine, and became a Canadian citizen on July 20, 2016 in Regina, learned that encountering police in Canada don't always mean trouble.

"In Ukraine, police stop you, you have trouble."

This story is part of Becoming Canadian, a year-long project sharing stories of struggle and triumph from new Canadian citizens.

"In Ukraine, police stop you, you have trouble. [In Regina] police stopped me. I lost my direction and had to drive a couple of times around one block. They stopped me and asked, 'What are you doing?' Maybe they think I'm drunk. I was scared.

Police stop me, red and blue lights. I think my life is done.

Police stop me, red and blue lights. I think my life is done. But they were friendly, they helped me, they showed me directions and drove ahead of me and with lights. I felt like a kid."

—Andrei Antonenko, born in Ukraine. Lives in Regina, became a Canadian citizen on July 20, 2016 in Regina.

​To find more stories about the struggles and triumphs of new Canadian citizens, follow Canada 2017 on Facebook and @BecomingCDN on Instagram and Twitter.